Stevi0cal Stevia Sweeteners

Stevi0cal Stevia leaf best zero calorie sweetener
StevI0cal’s pleasant and refreshing taste makes it a perfect choice for sweetening your favourite food and beverages by stevia sweetener. Now Enjoy Stevi0cal Products in Just About Anything.

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Price: ₹75₹965

What People Are Saying About Stevi0cal

Stevi0cal Stevia leaf best zero calorie sweetener

"Great Product"


“I’d been thinking of switching to stevia for a very long time and I finally found this great product to add sweetness to my life without compromising on my wellness.”

Ashutosh Sharma


"Loved It"


“Good price for a good cup of coffee in a pinch. If you travel often or want to keep a ready stash for times when you are unable to prepare a cup and want an option without sugar, go for it.”

Sherin Agrawal

Serial Chiller

"Too Good"


“I got this product for my mother. This is her favorite brand. I am using this product since past one year. Very useful and best among others available in the market.”

Nidhi Singh

Amazon Verified Customer

Stevi0cal Stevia leaf best natural zero calorie sweetener

Featured Recipes

From blissful breakfast beverages to delectable desserts and everything in between, Stevi0cal can help you reduce the sugar and keep the sweet.

Chocolate Tart

Stevia leaf best stevia sweetener

Indulge in delightful pleasure with these delicious and tempting Chocolate Tarts which have zero added sugar, but have natural sweetness from stevia. Gift your body the goodness of health and treat your taste buds with this scrumptious recipe. Each serving has 30% fewer calories per serving compared to the full-sugar version.

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